To promote practical wisdom tempered with erudite futuristic attitude to create an enlightened and egalitarian society that would lead to the formation of peaceful and prosperous nation worthy of emulation
To provide wholistic education on par with international standards to calibrate our youth hailing from all strata of the society so as to equip them to face the demands and challenges of upgradation and sustenance in the fields of arts, science, medicine and technology
- To provide equal educaton for all at affordable cost
- To kindle the latent talents of the students with innovative ideas and strategies
- To enable students to carve a niche for themselves in the society by motivating them to scale hitherto fore unscaled heights
- To promote sports to exemplify the dictum "a sound mind resides only in a sound body".
- To educate students based on the current developments through constant upgradation of the syllbus
- To mould the students into socially conscious and intellectually superior citizens.